pure finish min pow fo shade 3 elizabeth arden

Che cosa è pure finish min pow fo shade 3?

Pure finish min pow fo shade 3 prodotto da elizabeth arden
è un parafarmaco uso umano della categoria prodotti per il viso, trucco .
Pure finish min pow fo shade 3 risulta in commercio nelle farmacie italiane

Codice AIC: 927026688 Codice EAN: 85805142087

Informazioni e Indicazioni, a cosa serve?

Elizabeth Arden    PURE FINISH MINERAL POWDER    Foundation          Pure minerals. Pure comfort. Pure perfection.    Mineral makeup from Elizabeth Arden comes in a portable grinder compact. No waste. No mess. No kidding.       Fresh ground technology delivers a virtually weightless microlight powder that blends perfectly on the skin.    Takes the mess out of loose powder mineral makeup to control just the amount you need. No more powder    Non-drying. It's skin-brightening and comfortable to wear.    Smooths imperfections. It doesn't cake or settle into fine lines.    Infused with minerals rich with antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E and natural skin-smoothers.    Enriched with sea water complex, containing elements such as calcium magnesium, known to strengthen skin and support natural mineral equilibrium.    Buildable formula -- it's easy to create your own customized look from light to full coverage, without a made-up look.    Pure, luminous, natural finish.    SPF 20 sun protection.    UVA/UVB protection.    For all skin types. Sensitive skin-tested.    Clinically and dermatologist allergy tested.    Talc-free. Fragrance-free.

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