flawless future caplet serum elizabeth arden

Che cosa è flawless future caplet serum?

Flawless future caplet serum prodotto da elizabeth arden
è un parafarmaco uso umano della categoria prodotti per il viso, trattamento .
Flawless future caplet serum risulta in commercio nelle farmacie italiane

Codice AIC: 927025700 Codice EAN: 85805533540

Informazioni e Indicazioni, a cosa serve?

Elizabeth Arden    Flawless Future    Caplet Serum         Flawless Future steps in when your hectic lifestyle shows on your skin. This advanced skincare system with a fine-tuned blend of barrier supporting Ceramides, protective protein complex and powerful skin brighteners helps intercept early aging signs, so your skin looks stress-free, even when you aren’t.    Immediate Benefits1:    Skin feels hydrated and moisturized.  Skin texture and radiance are improved for a smooth and radiant looking complexion.  Short-term effects of stress on skin are relieved.

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